Alina Bejan just posted the following announcement:
MidWest Grid School (MWGS'08) -- Call for Participation
Please JOIN US for an exciting 3-day course in large-scale and high-performance grid computing to take place Sep 17-19, 2008, at University of Chicago, Chicago IL.
The Open Science Grid (OSG), a major national grid infrastructure, provides scientists with more than 70 production sites offering over 20,000 CPUs and 4 Petabytes of storage to advance their research. This organization includes members from particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics, bioinformatics, gravitational-wave science and computer science collaborations, all contributing to the development of the OSG and benefiting from advances in grid technology. Applications in other areas of science, such as mathematics, medical imaging and nanotechnology can also gain from the interactions with OSG through its partnership with local and regional grids or their communities’ use of the Virtual Data Toolkit software stack.
We invite you to learn more about grid and high throughput computing and its implications in various research areas through this intensive OSG course that introduces the techniques of grid and distributed computing for science and engineering with hands-on training in the use of large-scale grid computing resources.
The workshop will focus on enabling the use of OSG and TeraGrid cyberinfrastructure to perform large-scale computations and data-intensive processing in different application domains. Participants will learn how to use grids of thousands of processors and will be able to continue to use these resources for their research after the course completion.
The workshop will cover:
* Overview of distributed computing concepts and tools
* Concepts, tools, and techniques of grid computing
* Discovering and using grid resources
* Grid scheduling and distributed data management
* Techniques for workflow and collaboration
Target audience:
Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, educators and professionals in engineering, computer science, or any scientific, data-or computing-intensive discipline may apply.
Important deadlines:
Application Deadline: Aug 30, 2008 -- now OPEN (please visit website to apply)
Notification Deadline: Sep 5, 2008
Registration Deadline: Sep 15, 2008
For more information and to apply, please visit