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July 05, 2008



There are some new interfaces built with/on-top the workspace service that might warrant a fresh look:



you don't mention the Open Science Grid which, as you know, is using both Condor and Globus as the core middleware for our distributed infrastructure - now across more than 70 sites and internal to 4 campus infrastructures - in the US.

We are indeed facing the challenges of robust and usable integration and co-scheduling of the large data sets (LIGO, LHC) with the large job execution runs.

Together with the added challenge of our commitment to dynamically enable both cycles and storage to be used by research communities who do not own the resources, nor have a static allocation to use them - as the resources become and are available.

As well as the data federation services for the projects you mention, they as well as OSG communities are addressing the integration across multiple security infrastructures - enabling implementations such as Shiboleth and OpenID to interface to the distributed infrastructure use of X509 certificates.

Again, the EGEE/EGI model seems to ignore the need to enable interoperation of heterogeneity - needed to allow and promote advancing the technologies and methods while maintaining a working system.

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